Gray Castle

There’s some amazing architectural detail in this model, from the ground right on through to the roof. However, I would really like to know the cost estimate on a thing like this! The entire wall is made by a bunch of 1x2s by the looks of it. Keep up the great work!

Courtesy Castle by Tavernellos.

On the wings of Garuda

Brandon Bannerman (Catsy) isn’t taking it easy during the holiday season, pumping out new builds every few days. My favorite of the season is this festive red dive-bomber, the sub-orbital B-9D Garuda.

B-9D Garuda

Cuteness Overload

I was stunned when I came across this photo in Cole Blaq‘s flickr stream. The colors in the thumbnail seemed so intense that I had to take a closer look. I have to admit, I never thought I’d see someone use those tentacles for anything other than tentacles.

Flower Power VTOL

Truckin’ in air

Air trucks are the 18-wheelers of the sky (we count the thrusters instead of wheels). This air truck by Ragsnarock has both functional details and an interior. There’s even several animated gifs showing off the features.

Circle is the new square

There was a time when circular towers were the latest innovation in castle building, now Tyler (Legohaulic) builds castle on a circular base. I only remember one other creation that features this technique, and that was built several years ago. Filling the circle is difficult with rectangular LEGO bricks, but Tyler finds an effective solution by laying differently shaped bricks to create a cobblestone mosaic.

Rødovre Townhouse

An incredible build, and quite unorthodox compared to those we see from across Flickr and other sites. This townhouse, based off a building in a Danish town, features a great cross-sectional view of the interior— with furniture and all. Check out the interior rooms for more great building techniques!

Courtesy Rødovre Townhouse by John.