Farm House

LUGPol members always crank out something terrific. I had a difficult time figuring out what the main picture for this model should be. Every photo is expertly taken and each offers its own unique view with an insurmountable amount of detail hiding behind every corner. This farm house (mansion?) is just spectacular. The red gambrel roof and how the entire structure is sort of “sunken” into the ground points to the fact that this could have been a barn at one point (at least that’s how I see it), but the additions such as the porch and garage make for an incredible design.
And this is just the outside….so take a look at all the interior shots too!
A truly incredible model. A massive amount of pieces and time went into this, and a massive model was born. Awesome job here!

Andy’s room from Toy Story

Matt De Lanoy (Pepa Quin) built Andy’s room in minifig scale – Toy Story minifig scale that is. Thus it’s quite a large display at 30″X30″. If you’re in Chicago, you can see this creation debut at NILTC’s Christmas Show on December 11-12.

Meanwhile, you should check out the gallery of photos on Flickr, which includes details such as the Buzz Lightyear mosaic and the setup.

Fluffy Bunny

Andrew Lee (onosendai2600) has just posted a cool mecha that he calls “Fluffy Bunny.” While it certainly doesn’t look fluffy to me, it does have a bit of a resemblance to a bunny. I also suspect that he may have found some inspiration in artwork for the upcoming film Sucker Punch.

Fluffy Bunny

Whether Andrew was inspired by that art or not, he’s done a wonderful job. The ear-like antennae on the body of the mecha really add to the bunny feeling. He’s also used just light touch of pink (a rare color, to be sure), that adds a bit of character to the creation.

Tough but Fair

There’s a certain beauty hidden in this hover ship by Cole Blaq. It’s blocky and chunky, but in all the right ways. I love the various angles that come together in the cockpit area on the front, and the use of tiles sticking out to represent armored windows is great.


The icing on the cake? It can carry that little truck posed in front of it.

LEGO Magnet sets to be glued [News]

LEGO Pharoah's Quest Magnets Glue

With the release of the new Pharoah’s Quest sets, many people bought the magnets, as they are an easy way to get the more desirable minifigs. However, the magnet figs were glued to their bases.

When asked for an explanation, LEGO said that all magnet figs will be glued from now on. There was a contractual issue with the magnets in the licensed themes and they had to be glued. In order to make things more efficient in production, the decision was made to glue all magnet figs rather than run two seperate magnet lines (glued and unglued). This has caused a lot of consternation in the community.