Western Trainset

Info PR: n/a I: 2,520 L: 0 LD: 158 I: 75 Rank: 1460493 Age: December 1, 2009 I: 0 whois source Robo: yes Sitemap: yes Rank: 6061142 Price: 1 Density

Western Train

In the past I’ve designed and made instructions for a Wild West playset as Christmas gifts to the community. This year the Spaghetti Western contest at Eurobricks encouraged me to build one for myself. I wanted it to look like a cool toy train that a kid might get for Christmas or a birthday. Hopefully I achieved what I set out to do.

Ma.K MH 30 Kraft Falter by Fredoichi

The Ma.K starfighter contest is yielding some amazing entries. Even though we can’t feature them all, a few stand out that we don’t want our readers to miss. While Fredoichi‘s entry might not do especially well at high speeds in an atmosphere, his airplane doors at odd angles, minifig helmets as vents, and every curvy piece imaginable capture the Maschinen Krieger aesthetic perfectly.

Ma.K - MH 30 Kraft Falter

(And don’t miss Fredo’s recent sky-fighters, which we just haven’t gotten around to, despite obvious blogworthiness…)

Nolnet’s Wadenbeißer will chomp your squadrons to bits

Moritz Nolting (nolnet) puts the dragon’s head from the new NinjaGo set 2509 Earth Dragon Defenseto excellent use with this funny-looking fighter plane — an entry in Dan’s Put Your Brick Where Your Mouth Is contest.


The toothy grin on the nose is evocative of paint schemes sported by Allied World War II squadrons flying the Curtiss P-40 Warhawk, but the addition of troll arms makes this a hilariously whimsical aircraft.

Myocardial infarction

This curvy fighter by Mark Stafford is quite the heart stopper. The black and yellow stripes contrast beautifully with the red-tipped prongs, but what impresses me most is all the shininess — not something you necessarily notice in a lot of LEGO models.


Nice Figure

I never thought I’d see a space ship with a slim waist, but the Feros by Stijn (Red Spacecat) is just that. This thing is all smooth curves, synched in by a belt (in this case the bridge) in the center. He’s scattered a few interesting details throughout, which stand out starkly against the otherwise smooth figure.

Feros Tanker by Stijn on Flickr

As always, Stijn goes the extra mile in photoshop to bring us a nice presentation, as well.