Nice Legs

Théo (Titolian) has built a fantastic little robot. The fishing poles for legs add a great alien bug feel to this creation. He’s also named it in Morse code, which I’ve long forgotten.

... - .-. .. -.. . .-.

L’Entité d’Atlantis

Underwater LEGO dioramas present some unique challenges. For example, how do you illustrate the complex ecosystem present in the water column? Captain Spaulding does this by suspending a variety of lifeforms above the seafloor, but that’s hardly the most notable thing about this creation, built for a contest on the French Brick Pirate forum.

MOC l'Entité d'Atlantis 01

The enormous statue dominates the scene with his heart of gold, while a microscale Atlantean temple creates some forced perspective behind a lovely cuttlefish.

Via Legobloggen.


There are so many things I want to say about this, but mostly, I’m just in awe. This four-section creation by Rook just has so much gorgeous detail.

I’ll start with the obvious: the four parts interlock to create either a tower or fortress, and changes the dynamics for each mode. Then there’s the bone-tree, the “giant” chess set, and the detailing on the towers.

I can’t pick a favorite detail on this. Just take a look and see for yourself!

Thanks for the heads up, Bley Junkie!

Everybody’s surfin’ now

This simple composition featuring some not-so-simple creations by Jack Marquez (Ewok in Disguise) captures the feel of a Beach Boys song: Corvette convertible, custom Harley-Davidson and a surfboard.

LEGO Jack Marquez Ewok in Disguise Beach Bombs

Check out all the pedals and valves on that Harley and the red rubber bands for racing stripes.

Beautiful, beautiful cheese floors

I’m consistently wowed by the geometric designs that Katie Walker fiddles with and frequently shares. It’s extra rewarding when she incorporates the results of her experiments into beautiful architecture like this grand staircase and mosaic floor.

LEGO Katie Walker Eilonwy77 Grand Staircase in Queen's Palace


Sometimes a build doesn’t need to be complex to be awesome. It just has to be really well designed. Cade Roster (Apocalust) has achieved this state with his tributes to LEGO Exo-Force.

More Exo-Tributes