I can see clearly now

This transparent castle by Ivan Angeli is quite eye-catching. I’ve seen all-transparent castles before but the shapes and contours of this one are unique and the lighting is very well-done.

IceWind Dale

Teensy NASA Space Shuttle blasts into my heart

Looking over their photostream, I think we’ve blogged everything Sean & Steph Mayo have built over the past several months, so why stop now? This is the smallest NASA Space shuttle built from LEGO that I’ve run across, but it may be my favorite.

Micro Nasa Shuttle

The LEGO Castle helmet standing in for the top of the External Tank is pure genius.

If Caterpillar Made Spaceships

I like to think they’d look something like this. Well, that is, if Cat were literally run by caterpillars. In any case, this is an awesomely original take on a space freighter by flickr user Lord Pappadhum. The unique shape is definitely the highlight here, but it’s also worth noting the huge number of colors he’s managed to incorporate without making the ship look unnaturally busy. Also, using those train tracks in that orientation: genius.

GHL Punk Not Dead heavy Tug

What’s Inside a Brick?

According to flickr user Tikitikitembo, there’s a whole city in there. This awesome microscale municipality fits neatly into the bowels of a brick-built 2×4. The blue lining on the box is a touch that works magnificently, and there are lots of neat pieces in the structures, ranging from the super old-school to the brand new.

Mini Lego city in Brick

The Claw!

I don’t know why but I have always had a thing for those crane games. So when Luke Watkins built one I had to smile. Built for the current edition of Iron Builder, he managed to pack a ton of detail in a very small space. In fact it took me a moment to realize just how small it actually is. Well done!

Crazy Crane Capers