This is NPU

I freely admit to getting frustrated by the amount of ‘NPU‘ (Nice Part Use) I see thrown around LEGO models. The acronym was originally used for a part being used cleverly in a different circumstance. Both these examples feature such a use. Nowadays it seems to be used for just about anything. This, dear readers, is wrong (to para-borrow a phrase from Twee Affect).

We need more flame units!

First we have Joshua Morris (I scream clone) who demonstrates a classic NPU by using a turkey on Mr Potato Head’s nose and croissants as his eyebrows.

some kind of Rally Car...

Secondly Robert H. (Robiwan_Kenobi) uses loads of parts in unusual ways but the most notable ‘NPU’ is the little airvent made from the end of a skiflipper.

Note how in each case a very specific part has been reused in a novel way. That is NPU.

Buildings on Every Corner

Courtesy Urban Landscape #2 – 2011 by Jonathan Lopes
It’s a good chance we have posted something from Mr. Lopes before, but recently, he posted an update of his town with all sorts of cool buildings and models. Take a stroll past the fire station, through the train yards, or to Al’s diner. Or maybe you’re after a tattoo or want to play some pool? Let’s just say urban decay never looked so good.
Looks real, doesn’t it?


I don’t think I’ve ever looked so forward to a specific LEGO project finally coming to fruition. So seeing the words “as complete as it is going to get” appear on Jonathan Lopes’ MOCpage tonight was some pretty spectacular news. This is actually Jonathan’s second iteration of his urban landscape and he’s really taken lessons from his earlier layout to make this one better.

Jonathan Lopes LEGO NY

Jonathan’s chief specialty is his mastery of urban decay which adds a level of authenticity rarely seen in shiny plastic. I’ll be going through the layout pictures in detail.

Unfortunately I’m half asleep right now so will have to add the rest of this blog post tomorrow. But if ever there was a model I wanted to put up ASAP it was this one. Expect a longer version.

Thanks to some pet related drama I didn’t have a chance to update this. Short version of what I was going to write is as follows: check out each picture in detail, especially for the dirty bits as they’re what really makes it grand.

Psycho Clickipiller

This psychedelic Clickipiller train by Megan Rothrock (megzter1) is both a cute creative concept, and a bit disturbing. I especially like the googly eyes and odd angle of the mouth.

LEGO Clickipiller Train Megan Rothrock

I think I would generally be more into trains if they were covered in Clikits.

The historic Grand Hotel in Kristiansund

Daniel Asc created a faithful replica of the Grand Hotel in Kristiansund, Norway. His model was built 100 years after the original landmark, which was established just before the 20th century. For a creation this large, it didn’t lose out on quality. See what I mean and check out the detail shots in the gallery on Flickr.