Izzo brings the heavy firepower

While some of us have been taking a LEGO hiatus, one of our favorite Japanese builders has returned from his own. After a break of more than a year and a half, Izo Yoshimura (Izzo’s LegoStyle) began posting new mecha last October. Izzo’s latest was inspired by some Hollywood concept art:

LEGO Izzo heavy fire mecha

It’s great to have him back, and apologies to our readers (and Izzo himself) for missing the resurgence of such a notable talent. For those of you new to LEGO fandom in the last couple of years, make sure to go through Izzo’s blog, LegostyleLog.

The New and Old

Courtesy Phase-3 by alienwarblack
I’m breaking my rule of not posting digital models…but this layout was just too good to pass up. The design of the buildings are very realistic and no doubt probably took a LONG time to build, but it was worth it. Scrunched in between the two buildings on the right is lgorlando’s barbershop.

Curiouser and curiouser.

Tyler (Legohaulic) takes us on a journey of the strange and weird, down the rabbit hole and (hopefully!) back again.

I think the perspective and parts use is fantastic (that glass table is just lovely!), and everything together REALLY helps create the atmosphere.

Belgium: World Champions of government formation

Occasionally, a LEGO creation emerges of such intriguing oddity that it requires a second and third look. Such is the case with “Someone needs a little bit of motivation” by Matti (Matn). Yes, those are French Belgian fries:

Someone needs a little bit of motivation

Apparently, Belgium has been without a government for nearly 10 months (292 days and counting). Click through to the photo page on Flickr for the entertaining description of the symbolism in Matti’s LEGO political cartoon.

Alphabet ships!

Mark Anderson (andertoons) finished a project two years in the making: building a spaceship for each letter of the alphabet. You can see the entire gallery on his website. Which one’s your favorite?

Dark bley war machines

Sure I could have made these two blog posts but to my eyes these two LEGO models look like they could be from the same universe so I’m indulging my imagination and putting them together.

First is the Fast Attack Vehicle by Kyle Vrieze (bermudafreze) in three variants. The whole design is cleverly built at an angle.

Fast Attack Vehicles

Secondly an older model F-90 ‘Comet’ by Joe and Will Merzlak (Brothers Merz) uses lots of hingeing and angling to give a brutal insect feel. And it’s a truly lovely photo to boot.

F-90 'Comet'

Tonka goes heavy

Fedde’s (Karf Oohlu) Tonka Heavy Assault Truck is far from its tame Brand-name counterpart. This armored vehicle of destruction is jam packed with cannons, missiles, and turrets to clean up a ground army.