
The alleyway adds some great character to this building. I really like the piping idea, something that usually doesn’t get added to models such as this. The windows are also really nice too, a perfect way to use those white goblets.

Courtesy tavern by xueren.

Brick Building

A simple, but very nice little brick building, whose walls are completely constructed out of a bunch of 1×2 plates. I especially like the turn-of-the-century feel to this model. It has a great old fashioned look it it. Good work here!

Courtesy Brick Building by legoadam.

2011 bounces in on rabbit ‘tocks

かわいいレゴずき (“I Love Cute LEGO”) has their annual roundup of New Year greetings from Japanese LEGO builders up on the blog, replete with adorable bunnies to honor the Year of the Rabbit.

LEGO Year of the Rabbit nengajyou

But most unique of all this year’s New Year creations is this set of osechi cuisine by mumu from the resident builders at かわいいレゴずき:

LEGO Osechi-ryori

I always thought osechi food was a bit of an acquired taste, but I’ve said the same thing about traditional American holiday food. (In both cases, it doesn’t help that my choices are further limited by being a vegetarian from birth.) Whether you appreciate the source of inspiration or not, the LEGO version is a lovely evocation of a uniquely Japanese tradition.

Happy 2011, LEGO fans of the world! Scientists, please provide a status update on your abject failure to give us flying cars and personal robots. We are, after all, living in The Future…

Let’s play ball!

Check out this mecha by The Magic Tuba Pixie over on flickr.  This thing has some great functional looking greebles, especially along the back.  It certainly looks like there are pistons and stuff that help this thing move.  Add in the posability of this thing, and you’ve got a great creation.

Diomedes Soccer

LEGO Newsstand

A tiny little newsstand to complement any modular building. It is creations like these that rarely get built; the ones that are meant to supplement a major model and capture the day-to-day situations in life. I really like this model, I wish it was set all on its own! Good work, LG!

Courtesy LEGO Newsstand by lgorlando.