This creation bugs me

It’s a great space bug queen diorama, by Alex Fojtik (BrickFX). This is a truly immersive display, incorporating some great details. My favorite is the dripping slime, but I’ve also been known to love hexagons. The scattered space helmet eggs look great, and must have been quite a challenge to pose for different angled photos.

Hatchery: Overview

Definitely not a bored room

Boardroom Table

I usually steer clear of multi-coloured brick-because-it’s-in-fashion art and design but I have to confess this particular boardroom table caught my eye. Not only is it genuinely made entirely of real LEGO (22k pieces of it no less) but there is no glue involved and a bunch of cute details including the client’s name.

As an added bonus the designers have included a 2-minute stop motion video of its creation down the bottom of the page.

Great things from Hong Kong

HKLUG has posted a ton of excellent pictures from the 2010 Anime Festival their Facebook page.

Lego Hong Kong

You should definitely take the time to check them out. The pictures posted here really caught me eye, but there are many, many more.

Lego Hong Kong

If any of our readers have information on the actual builders, please let us know so that we can give credit where credit is due. Thanks!

Lego Hong Kong

Motorized Scania R500 recovery truck

Ralph Savelsberg (Mad physicist) has built a colorful and complex model of the Scania R500 recovery truck, featuring remote-controlled drive and steering. I love the half plate inset on the sides and the colored lines that run across the vehicle. As with Ralph’s style, you can see the exposed studs on the top that contributes to the sculptural quality of this model.

Check out the video to see the truck in action.

Metamorphosis, a stop motion animation

David Pickett (fallentomato) presents his best brickfilms animation showing Lego bricks morphing into different objects. Each change from one object to another consists of many brick-built transition states that are shown for only a fraction of a second, and the results are well worth it. Check out more descriptions and behind-the-scenes info about the video on David’s website.