Prairie Style House

Very intriguing build. The wall along the sidewalk really catches the eye, as do the red and tan conflicting with each other. However, I think my favorite part is the glass-balcony walk out, great idea there. Keep up the great work!

Courtesy Prairie Style House by Jameson42.


Jonderqind has packed in some awsome detail in this factory. I particularly like the windows and the tower. The white recessed under the windows also caught my eye. Check out some more pictures here.

Grand Leguini’s House

Fachada-1, originally uploaded by valgarise.

The details on this are just fantastic! The dark red and dark blue clash with the white to form a really imposing structure and the ornate arches surrounding the windows give the sense of wealth and prominence attributed to a mysterious magician such Grand Leguini. We’ll have to keep a closer eye on this builder, nice work!

Lego Modular State Capital

Lego Modular State Capital, originally uploaded by lgorlando.

A little bit overdue, but this State Capital by lgorlando is just magnificent (and I apologize for overlooking it.) The detailing in architecture and well-placed color use makes for a fantastic creation. Maybe it’s just me, but I’m willing to bet this could jump start anybody’s building desire. Keep up the well built creations!