LEGO Racers – First LEGO Competition in Medan

In these few years, many LEGO events have been held in Medan. But does anyone know, what is the first LEGO event or competition being held here?

It was Sunday, 09 May 2004, located at the ex-Daimarutama Supermarket – Sinar Plaza
Theme : Racers Competition

Although it was the first competition ever been held, but the response was fantastic. Medanese were so enthusiastic. Kids and their parents came to join the competition, bringing their own LEGO Racers, which by then was one of the first LEGO product sold in Medan.

The competition itself was carried out in 2 phase :

– Build & race


Racing competition

– Race car modification


The local team has worked hard and get the best reward, kids and parents were happy, the event was a success and we continue with the next competition & event.

