
The name makes me think of the Oort Cloud at the edge of the solar system, which in turn makes me think of the Dragon Riders of Pern. More relevantly, this cool ship by JON1138 made a big impression at BrickCon earlier this month.

It’s one of several big space ships build primarily with dark blue lately. It’s making the big dark blue ship I’ve had in the works for the last year feel less special. Regardless, there’s a lot to like about this ship, and I’m especially fond of the trilateral symmetry. It is also fairly refreshing to see a micro scale creation of this size, as most builders choose to chase the minifig.


Scale up!

No, we’re not blogging Lego pieces. Take a second look at these parts by Matija Grguric and you’ll see that these are much larger versions still made from Lego bricks.


Courtesy psiaki from Flickr

There is a thing about European architecture that sets it apart from others. Perhaps it is the squished buildings lining the streets, or the variances in design, but whatever it is, Flickr user psiaki sure managed to capture the look and feel of a small European village. Better yet, this isn’t even “completed” yet! We all look forward to seeing where this one goes. Please get this project rolling, Mike!

Chili’s Restaurant

Courtesy Brian Lyles from MOCpages

I personally apologize for overlooking this, but to get to the point, this is why building in the Cafe Corner standard is so much fun. Anything can be built, and that’s why Brian Lyles figured, “Why not a Chili’s restaurant?” First off, the chili pepper is spectacular, along with its accompanying logo. The brickwork is superb and shows what one can do with an endless number of 1×2 plates. The building itself is well built too, with very nicely proportioned colors, like most modern buildings of today. There’s a lot of building tips that can be used in this creation, so take heed and maybe you can incorporate them into your own model someday. Look forward to more, Brian!

Mega Knight is Mega Huge

Eric Harshbarger had made a Mega-MiniFig and I want it. However, this was a commission piece built for a toy store in Connecticut and they won’t let me even borrow it. But what a thing of beauty! Standing about 5 feet tall and using nearly 20,000 bricks, this fig is standing tall and living large.

Lego Harshbarger Castle Knight Lego Harshbarger Castle Knight