Mike Psiaki’s revamped Bell ‘Huey’ UH-1 model bears great semblance to its common and reliable real life counterpart. I especially like the details on the rotors, but best of all, Mike has generously donated this model for sale to Creations for Charity, which means you can buy it in November.
Tag Archives: lego model
Not quite an exploded spaceship
It took me a moment to recognize what this sculpture by Tim Simon represents. I thought it was a spaceship or an explosion at first, but it’s actually a bullet shot through an apple! That’s definitely not something you see done in Lego each day.
Serving the Cervina
It’s been a while since I remember seeing (apparently my memory is poor, there’s one two or three posts back) a microscale spaceship here so I’m glad Chris Boen (mos_doomsday) has provided such a nice one. The Cervina is a beauty with a great livery and effective use of stickers.
A new look of interior design
You don’t have to be an interior designer to recognize this creative and elegant contemporary bedroom and bathroom built by Littlehaulic, the younger sister of the well-known Legohaulic. The bold contrast of the colors black, white, and pink combined with the polished wooden floor helps give a clean and modern look to the rooms. Details such as the rug, the blinds, and the various small decors make one think they were made by a veteran builder.
But you may be surprised to find out that she just turned 13 today! It sure isn’t easy to associate age and talent with a creation like this. Cheers and happy birthday!
A new Valkyrie
This one isn’t a part of a Wagnerian opera, nor is Tom Cruise involved. I can certainly imagine it in a sci-fi version of Apocalypse now, though, it’s a truly cool new ship by Dane Erland (Lord Dane).
This creation incorporates a lot of nice coinciding angles and curves. It also features a nice rotating turret, and eye catching sticker usage.
The Magic Shop
Takeshi Itou is an incredible Castle builder. One of the best. His latest creation is simply overflowing with whimsy and charm.
Now that is a SHIP…
This gorgeous sea-going beauty belongs to Gerard Joosten and I was fortunate enough to handle it at BrickCon 2010. Christened the HMS Brunswick, it weighs in at 124 studs in length, 2.5 feet high and sports a full rig. Most impressive!
In the Adult Lego Fan Community there is a rather famous acronym. It is mostly used in for Space creations, but sneaks into other themes from time to time. That acronym is SHIP and it stands for Seriously Huge Investment in Parts. It generally denotes a ship that is at least 100 studs in length. Someone once said that you aren’t a man until you’ve built a SHIP. I say you can’t call yourself a true shipwright until that SHIP is a fully rigged pirate ship.
On the Canal
This beautiful Dutch house is the work of Niek Geurts and it is lovely. I have friends in the Netherlands. Until they tell me differently, I’m imagining that they live here.