SnowLion Keep

While it’s not quite “stopping by woods on a snowy evening,” it’s still poetic. Classic-Castle member LegoLord posted this lovely castle in the snow. It’s not particularly big, and that’s okay. The walls grab me and I like the tan/brown combo on the tower.

It was a Dark and Stormy Night

You all know that Nathan Proudlove rocks the Lego Fan world. At BrickCon he took the Castle section by storm with this incredible creation. There is so much to love in this one. Check out the variegated roof made of cheese slopes, the dark red water/blood that surrounds it, the skeletal trees, the carriage….the list goes on and on. It won “Best in Castle” at BrickCon and definitely deserved the win.

Lego Castle BrickCon

This time they will not fail

These dwarves aren’t going to take it lying down anymore. The vile, nefarious dragon is no match for their high-tech weaponry. This time things will be different. This time they will not fail.

Lego Castle Brickarms

This Castle Spoof scene was made by me.

This creation bugs me

It’s a great space bug queen diorama, by Alex Fojtik (BrickFX). This is a truly immersive display, incorporating some great details. My favorite is the dripping slime, but I’ve also been known to love hexagons. The scattered space helmet eggs look great, and must have been quite a challenge to pose for different angled photos.

Hatchery: Overview

Corner Office Building

Frontal, originally uploaded by valgarise.

I love the simple, art deco feel to this, intentional or not. The colors match terrifically, and I’m really liking that cornice detailing up top. Hopefully this will spur builders into some skyscraper construction!

Virtual Insanity

I always get very excited about finding a new model from Andreas Weissenburg (grubaluk) because he is a) an excellent builder and b) an excellent renderer. Which means his CGI BR 55 gets to give a big tick to both our Trains and CAD categories.