Keep on trucking

Below is a guest article by Peer Kreuger (mahjqa). We asked Peer if he’d be willing to share his Technic expertise and do some guest articles for TBB. Hopefully there will be more to come.


Some people build trucks. Ingmar Spijkhoven (2LegoOrNot2Lego) builds mechanical masterpieces that don’t just work, the look great doing so as well.

Some of the functions: the truck is driveable, has suspension on all axles, liftable second axle, fully functional fifth wheel, a winch, and the trailer can split in two so vehicles can drive on and off.

Oh yeah. It’s all remotely controlled.

He has jammed everything so full of functionality that he needed separate pages for the truck, the trailer, and that doesn’t even include the wonderful excavator on the back.

He survived Troy for this?

Nothing quite brightens my day like a little bit of Greek history. And since Jojo’s creation’s do such an excellent job illustrating European history, it’s no surprise that his rendition of Agamemnon’s homecoming is so lovely.

Snake Charmer

Here’s another creation that I don’t understand the name of. For whatever reason, Andrew Lee (Onosendai2600) named this mecha the Snake Charmer. Regardless of the name, I really dig this creation.

While the mecha itself is interesting, it’s the base that really makes this creation stand out. The base and plant life really add some great context to mecha. We get great contrast between the bright blue livery of the mecha and the burnt orange soil, with its strange alien plants.

Snake Charmer 12

Lego Modular State Capital

Lego Modular State Capital, originally uploaded by lgorlando.

A little bit overdue, but this State Capital by lgorlando is just magnificent (and I apologize for overlooking it.) The detailing in architecture and well-placed color use makes for a fantastic creation. Maybe it’s just me, but I’m willing to bet this could jump start anybody’s building desire. Keep up the well built creations!