The Carnival is in town!

Matija Grguric takes us back to the Wild West with this fun carnival scene. But the crown jewel of this diorama isn’t the crowded carnival atmosphere, the bank robbers or the western buildings, though all of those are very nice. What really makes it stand out is the fact that it is powered. Who doesn’t like motorized dancing girls?

Western Carnival

Akai Shiro

AC Pin has developed quite the reputation over the years. Mostly known for highly detailed Star Wars dioramas, he takes a step on the wild side this time around. This particular scene depicts a gorgeous red Japanese castle and the surrounding grounds. It is built with exceptional attention to detail. But I was very impressed with how the infamous raised baseplates were melded into the landscape in such a way that they almost go unnoticed. That is a hard thing to do.

Light Steam Landship Mk. LXIII

We haven’t had many Steampunk builds on here lately. It about time for one. This Landship is a sort of cross-country locomotive and looks like it packs quite the punch. I especially like the side-mounted turrets. I’m sure Beau Donnan intended it, but they remind me of the guns on the British “Mark” series of World War I tanks.

Light Steam Landship Mk. LXIII (side)

Meet Pokey the Technic Triceratops

Remi can build dinosaurs, no question about it. I saw Pokey at BrickCon last year but these new pictures were just posted online. Pokey is even more awesome in person. Very awesome. You can see the entire set here, including BrickCon pictures.


(My apologies to Alyse if she built Pokey. The tags said “Remi” so I went with that.)

The future of construction?

Info PR: n/a I: 2,520 L: 0 LD: 158 I: 75 Rank: 1460493 Age: December 1, 2009 I: 0 whois source Robo: yes Sitemap: yes Rank: 6061142 Price: 1 Density

I can only hope that the construction equipment of the future will resemble these adorable robots by Paul Evans (Paul Evans RG&B). These things are covered in details to love. The face offers us a tiny grin, and fascinating asymmetrical eyes. The exhaust stack built into the back of an arm looks nice, and harkens to present day construction equipment. Meanwhile, the bulldozer blade is just that, a perfect example of a brick-built blade, rather than one of the many prefab options out there.


Let’s also not forget the little pun in the name “Gilgamech.”

Sand Baron sky-fi flying wing by Chrispockst

Info PR: n/a I: 2,520 L: 0 LD: 158 I: 75 Rank: 1460493 Age: December 1, 2009 I: 0 whois source Robo: yes Sitemap: yes Rank: 6061142 Price: 1 Density

What I like the most about Chrispockst’s Sand Baron flying wing is that he went out of his way to use all kinds of what he calls “un-useful/unusual parts” that work well together to make this thing look like a chunky behemoth.

LEGO Chrispocket Sand Baron flying wing

I especially love the huge off-angle engines around the low sleek cockpit.

It’s Mine!

One of the rarely-mentioned advantages of mining equipment is that it is so huge you can build it in technic and have it be minifig scale. As Arjan Kotte (Konajira) illustrates in this delightful pair.

Mining machines

The Sack of Troy

Jared Chan has built an incredible scene here. The Trojan Horse, the buildings and the action of the figs are all good, but together they add up to something greater than the sum of the parts. Very nicely done.

Sack of Troy