The Battle of San Juan Hill

Brian Williams (BMW_Indy) yet again shows his expert vignette craftsmanship in his build of the Battle of San Juan Hill. Everything from the custom-built horse, the explosion, the grass field, the sloped hill, and the display base separate this creation from the ordinary.

Cabin in the Woods

Courtesy Log Cabin by Mauricio Vollu Rosa
I’m always happy to see a log cabin creation. It reminds me of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and how much I want to go back! All the details are right, and I really like that chimney and truck. Good work!

Green Monster

Sorry if I suckered any baseball fans among our readers, this post is about a big green tank by Jason Heltebridle (Moctagon Jones). The smooth curves of this creation, coupled with the unusual gun certainly push this well into the sci-fi realm. Some of the details on the turret are also quite nice, in particular, the work between the wheels.

What’s more, it has taken me long enough to write this post, that it seems Jason has posted ANOTHER interesting tank.

Dutspätz II - Mobile Field Forward Destroyer - left

The Old Town District

Courtesy Old Town Buildings by BrickCityDepot
Want realism? Well here it is. The relatively vibrant brown and dark green (the first floor is awesome, by the way) go well with the dull gray and black. Two terrific buildings, and their interiors, that really make you want to build something. Keep it up, Brian!
This is long overdue, I’ve just been busy recently. But hope you enjoy it!