Finally, a nemesis worthy of my vast intellect

Following his amazing GLaDOS from Portal 2, Brandon Bannerman (Catsy) miniaturizes a turret to minifig-scale (or near enough), alongside an adorable custom Chell fig, complete with ASHPD.

Chell, ASHPD and Turret

For all of you out there who’d like your own turret to keep you company during the long twilight of civilization, Brandon has kindly posted instructions.

Turret Breakdown

Another interesting thing about Brandon’s design has been watching it evolve based on feedback from fellow builders. See the earlier iterations here and here, together with the comments that inspired the final version.

Residential Revival

Courtesy Residential Houses by Brian Lyles
A very clean and sharp design to some residential homes. I don’t know what it is, but I’ve been finding a lot of models recently using rare, or fairly unused, colors…and they look awesome. Keep it up!
Oh and instructions for this building should be available at his website, Brick City Depot.
*NOTE* I am aware of the new LEGO Modular Building (which is a Pet Shop!) being released May 10th. I’m sticking with the original rules and will be posting the official release only when it is available, if you want to see a picture of the set, head on over to The Brothers Brick.

New hardsuit frame design by Ironsniper

Even though I’m a sucker for adorably squat hardsuits, there are only so many gray, greebly little fellows I can take after a while. This new design by Chris (Ironsniper) made me sit up and take notice.


There’s some nice color blocking with the brown arm, along with one of the coolest details I’ve seen on any hardsuit, even though that knife may be quite useless to a mechanized warrior. But it’s the posability built into the shoulders, knees, and feet that sets this hardsuit apart.

Lawn Day on Planet X

Before the historic achievements of the Mariner, Pioneer, and Voyager probes cleared the mists of fantasy from our planetary neighborhood, even “hard” science-fiction like the early novels of Arthur C. Clarke posited the existence of flora (and sometimes fauna) on the surface of Mars, Venus, and our moon. There’s a certain sense of loss knowing that’s not true.

Joshua Morris (I Scream Clone) restores some of that wonder with this little diorama featuring a mushroom-mowing spaceman.

Lawn Day

Insidious Details

There are some nice detail bits, mixed into some great shaping, on the new space ship by Phall (Pha][_,][_,), The Insidious. He’s also done a great job of photographing the creation, keeping the details visible, despite the creation being almost entirely white.

My favorite detail is the curved panel piece that sticks out, revealing a little bit of greebling underneath. You can recognize it by the chevron symbol on the panel.


Sandvik TH550 underground truck

Marek Markiewicz (M_longer) heads deep under the surface of the Earth with his LEGO version of the 50-ton articulated mining truck.

Sandvik TH550

I’m always a sucker for schematic-like compilation shots, and I’m not disappointed by all the angles in this one:

Sandvik TH550

You shall not pass

Alex P (Sirens-Of-Titan) is a newcomer into the Lego scene on Flickr, but his fantasy era builds are far above the works of a novice. This goblin-infested ruin boosts the highlights of a leaning round tower and grass stems used for spiky trees. The texture of the landscape is also well done, and that river is gorgeous.

Thanks for the tip Bart!

CEC Gauss Aufseher

Dane Erland (Lord Dane) gives a very big gun to a tall mecha with tiny arms in a surprisingly effective combination that I wouldn’t want to face down on a dead-end street.

CEC Gauss Aufseher