Nice Legs

Théo (Titolian) has built a fantastic little robot. The fishing poles for legs add a great alien bug feel to this creation. He’s also named it in Morse code, which I’ve long forgotten.

... - .-. .. -.. . .-.

L’Entité d’Atlantis

Underwater LEGO dioramas present some unique challenges. For example, how do you illustrate the complex ecosystem present in the water column? Captain Spaulding does this by suspending a variety of lifeforms above the seafloor, but that’s hardly the most notable thing about this creation, built for a contest on the French Brick Pirate forum.

MOC l'Entité d'Atlantis 01

The enormous statue dominates the scene with his heart of gold, while a microscale Atlantean temple creates some forced perspective behind a lovely cuttlefish.

Via Legobloggen.


There are so many things I want to say about this, but mostly, I’m just in awe. This four-section creation by Rook just has so much gorgeous detail.

I’ll start with the obvious: the four parts interlock to create either a tower or fortress, and changes the dynamics for each mode. Then there’s the bone-tree, the “giant” chess set, and the detailing on the towers.

I can’t pick a favorite detail on this. Just take a look and see for yourself!

Thanks for the heads up, Bley Junkie!

Everybody’s surfin’ now

This simple composition featuring some not-so-simple creations by Jack Marquez (Ewok in Disguise) captures the feel of a Beach Boys song: Corvette convertible, custom Harley-Davidson and a surfboard.

LEGO Jack Marquez Ewok in Disguise Beach Bombs

Check out all the pedals and valves on that Harley and the red rubber bands for racing stripes.