Looking at this space ship is like getting punched in the face! This Vic Viper by Kyle Slushey combines two bright colors to great effect. The green and blue contrast nicely, making the image pop in big way. He’s also included just enough patches of gray for the eye to rest on.

VV A.04 flying unit

Reality is relative

Alex Eylar (Profound Whatever) is building at a pace that we can’t keep up with (and I did not intentionally repeat Andrew). His latest is a depiction of the Escher masterpiece in the Classic Space theme. Since there’s no gravity in space, there’s some paradoxical realism to this work. It’s all too wonderful.

Ghostbusters Ecto-1

Alex Schranz (Orion Pax) did a stunning job of rendering the Ectomobile from Ghostbusters in Lego. This beauty was completed in only two days and features some shiny chrome elements. He says it’s a keeper, and who couldn’t agree more?

Despicable Me minion by Alex Eylar

Alex Eylar (Profound Whatever) has been on a building tear lately, posting more LEGO creations than we can keep up with. One of my favorites so far is also one of the simplest — a minion from the upcoming movie Despicable Me.


As much as I love the minions — and Alex’s LEGO rendition of one — I’m less interested in seeing the movie, especially after seeing the full trailer before Toy Story 3. Bungling supervillains fighting each other? Yes. Three adorable girls who bring the goodness out in a supervillain, who actually has a heart of gold? No.

Despicable Me minion by Alex Eylar

Alex Eylar (Profound Whatever) has been on a building tear lately, posting more LEGO creations than we can keep up with. One of my favorites so far is also one of the simplest — a minion from the upcoming movie Despicable Me.


As much as I love the minions — and Alex’s LEGO rendition of one — I’m less interested in seeing the movie, especially after seeing the full trailer before Toy Story 3. Bungling supervillains fighting each other? Yes. Three adorable girls who bring the goodness out in a supervillain, who actually has a heart of gold? No.

Blue Bard’s Weird Social Club

A great little building with two floors for the strange and funny. Visit the second floor for some music or hang out with the old lady and her cat on the first. Do this all while watching an RC plane on the roof and some gun sight adjustment for a dummy. Every city needs that “weird part of town”, and Blue Bard addressed that issue first hand.