LEGO Mech Machines – Voltron

Some of us, especially boys, are normally attached to robots or machines when it comes to toys. This include me. I remember from my child time, it was the Japan anime Voltes V which has all me and my friends attention. We talked about it all the time. And then we got Voltron, Gundam and more.

When I started to play LEGO than, it was planes or robots. I’ve tried to make them as resemblance to my favorite robots than. Well, it wasn’t really looked the same. But I was happy with them and play with them all the time.

When I came across this flickr photos, it just bring back old memories and WOW, why can’t I made it back then.

This is awesome, the Voltron robot from LEGO bricks.

lego voltron

lego voltron

Just look at the comparation of the minifigures to the robots and imagine the size of it.

lego voltron

lego voltron