Paul (Sariel), one of the greatest Technic builders, seems to achieve the impossible by building a remote-controlled Lego truck capable of hauling a load of almost 20 pounds. Don’t believe it? Take a look at the video below.
Paul (Sariel), one of the greatest Technic builders, seems to achieve the impossible by building a remote-controlled Lego truck capable of hauling a load of almost 20 pounds. Don’t believe it? Take a look at the video below.
Mike Dobson has came out with Rubik’s-solving CubeStormer last year. Now, Mike has teamed up with David Gilday to create an updated version that scans the cube, creates a solution, and then manipulates the cube to solve the puzzle.
Can you solve it any faster?
Solving Rubkik’s Cubes isn’t the only thing that LEGO Mindstorms robotics are good for. Swedish robotics builder Hans Andersson has built a digital clock that even “blinks” with each second.
Check out more of Hans’ robots, including a Sudoku solver of all things, on
Thanks for the link, reader Thomas!
Product Description
Die Objektorientierung hat die Softwarebranche in den letzten Jahren massiv geprägt und ist heute aus dem Modellierungs- und Entwicklungsbereich nicht mehr wegzudenken. Die Vermittlung dieses Paradigmas hat deshalb in den letzten Jahren an vielen Schulen Einzug gehalten. LEGO Mindstorms ermöglicht Kindern, Roboter aus Legosteinen zusammenzubauen und jene dann anschließend zu programmieren. Durch das direkte Feedback werden die Schüler dabei zum selbstst… More >>
Product Description
Das Buch bietet anhand von LEGO Mindstorms NXT-Robotern einen anschaulichen Einstieg in die Informatik. Nach einer allgemeinen Einführung in informationstechnische Prinzipien und Komponenten werden in Teil 2 die NXT-Elemente behandelt. Dazu gehören die Bauteile und ihre Funktionsweisen sowie die grafische Programmierumgebung. Teil 3 führt in die objektorientierte Programmiersprache JAVA und die Programmierung von LEGO-Robotern ein. Softwareprogramme, Aufgabenlös… More >>
Programmierung mit LEGO Mindstorms NXT: Robotersysteme, Entwurfsmethodik, Algorithmen
Product Description
This Book/DVD kit meets the growing demand from Lego Mindstorms fans for additional projects that can be built from their existing Lego Mindstorms kits. Over 40 new projects will appeal to that dedicated segment of the Lego audience that are committed to the RIS 1.x and 2.x standards.
The book contains seven complete “Master” projects that illustrate how great design, planning, mechanical engineering skills, and programming can create stunning and award winni… More >>
Classic Lego Mindstorms Projects and Software Tools: Award-Winning Designs from Master Builders
Product Description
Tools for Design is intended to provide the user with an overview of computer aided design using two popular CAD software packages from Autodesk: AutoCAD and Autodesk Inventor. This book explores the strengths of each package and show how they can be used in design, both separately and in combination with each other. What you’ll learn How to create and dimension 2D multiview drawings using AutoCAD How to freehand sketch using axonometric, oblique an… More >>
Tools for Design Using AutoCAD 2011, Autodesk Inventor 2011 and LEGO MINDSTORMS with TETRIX
Product Description
Build and program MINDSTORM NXT robots with Daniele Benedettelli, one of the world’s most respected NXT robot builders. He shows you how to build and program them from scratch, starting with the simplest robots and progressing in difficulty to a total of seven award–winning robots! You can download all the code, along with low–resolution videos that show how your robot works when it’s finished. You don’t need to be a programmer to develop … More >>
Product Description
Most toy industry analysts predict that LEGO’s MINDSTORMS Robotic kits will
be the runaway hit of the 2002 holiday season. Initially targeted to kids and young
adults, the creative possibilities offered by the LEGO MINDSTORMS line of
products have appealed to a large adult audience as well.
Now, users of all ages can create another 30 incredible MINDSTORM projects with
Mario and Guilio Ferrari’s set of three amazing books. Included in this set ar… More >>
30 Cool LEGO Mindstorms Projects Kit: Dark Side Robots, Ultimate Builder, and RIS
LEGO Mindstorms (and indeed regular technic) are a not unusual sight in science laboratories. Unfortunately I’m not lucky enough to need ‘work LEGO’ but I have looked jealously into labs that do. Typically it’s used to automate simple procedures or make quick reconfigurable rigs.
The Kim Laboratory of the University of Washington use LEGO in a novel way: to test fear in rats using the aptly named Robogator. This is certainly the first time I’ve seen LEGO used in neuroscience and I have to admit the idea of testing fear using a bright colourful toy robot is pretty clever and amusing. They have a few videos too.
Physorg have more details and I, in an astounding reversal of the usual, found the link on Boing Boing.