30 Cool LEGO Mindstorms Projects Kit: Dark Side Robots, Ultimate Builder, and RIS

Product Description
Most toy industry analysts predict that LEGO’s MINDSTORMS Robotic kits will
be the runaway hit of the 2002 holiday season. Initially targeted to kids and young
adults, the creative possibilities offered by the LEGO MINDSTORMS line of
products have appealed to a large adult audience as well.

Now, users of all ages can create another 30 incredible MINDSTORM projects with
Mario and Guilio Ferrari’s set of three amazing books. Included in this set ar… More >>

30 Cool LEGO Mindstorms Projects Kit: Dark Side Robots, Ultimate Builder, and RIS

10 Cool LEGO Mindstorms: Dark Side Robots, Transports, and Creatures: Amazing Projects You Can Build in Under an Hour

Product Description
LEGO MINDSTORMS let you design and program robots that can do just about anything!
The Dark Side Developer’s Kit is targeted towards the young or novice LEGO MINDSTORMS designer, age 9 and up, although experienced MINDSTORMS fans will appreciate the unique possibilities offered by this kit as well. The Dark Side Developer’s Kit includes special MINDSTORMS pieces that allow the user to create a host of Star Wars themed robots, creatures, and vehicles. It also come… More >>

10 Cool LEGO Mindstorms: Dark Side Robots, Transports, and Creatures: Amazing Projects You Can Build in Under an Hour