Like many of Peer Kreuger’s (mahjqa) vehicles, they function in real life. His latest Stilzkin Indrik Arctic Vehicle is no different, having the ability to haul a load through real snow. Check out the video below and visit the Flickr set for pictures of the chassis.
Category Archives: Vehicle
Drove my Chevy to the levy
LUGNUTS is currently running an interesting monthly challenge and Peter Blackert (lego911) has more than risen to it. His ’55 Chevreolet Cameo appears to have all the little details just in the right spot. I’m sure Don McLean would appreciate it.
V&A rolls out a couple of beauties.
Guy Himber has been teasing us with Work-In-Progress shots of these two for some time now. Now that they are finally finished, he is showing them off with his standard flair. Check out the Riverside Fire Chief and the Supercar!
Honda RA272
According to Ricardo Grates (biczzz) the Honda RA272 was the first Japanese car to win a Grand Prix. And it sure looks great in LEGO.
The scales of Bugatti
And while my interest in vehicles waxes and wanes, Peter Blackert (lego911) brings us an extremely steady supply of cars. But I don’t think I’ve seen him make the same car at four scales before. My own bias shows through in my love for his tiniest Bugatti Veyron 16.4.
How to fill a flatbed
I’ve recently got right back into building cars and vehicles. So much so that when I built a Bedford TK truck and needed to fill its flatbed the solution I came up with wasn’t the usual boxes or logs but a David Brown 780 tractor.
PS. Dear LEGO, could you please make a tyre that’s slightly larger than the one I used? Yours, Tim
Old-School Ford
The smooth-polished look of Patrick’s 1922 Ford pickup really caught my eye. From the engine crank to the tail-lights, this one’s a beauty.
Dragonfly Gunship by Aaron Dayman
I just love the dark green color scheme and ruggedness of this gunship by Aaron Dayman.
This one will range far and wide
This modified off-road Range Rover by Cole Blaq is simply phenomenal. It looks ready for anything.
The intentional hunched back look between the engine and passenger compartments is so well done.
Now that is a SHIP…
This gorgeous sea-going beauty belongs to Gerard Joosten and I was fortunate enough to handle it at BrickCon 2010. Christened the HMS Brunswick, it weighs in at 124 studs in length, 2.5 feet high and sports a full rig. Most impressive!
In the Adult Lego Fan Community there is a rather famous acronym. It is mostly used in for Space creations, but sneaks into other themes from time to time. That acronym is SHIP and it stands for Seriously Huge Investment in Parts. It generally denotes a ship that is at least 100 studs in length. Someone once said that you aren’t a man until you’ve built a SHIP. I say you can’t call yourself a true shipwright until that SHIP is a fully rigged pirate ship.