Lego Chili’s Restaurant

If you live in North America, then you’ve probably seen a few Chili’s Restaurants around town as noted by their unique logo with the chili pepper. Brian Lyles has captured the look of the restaurant and built a full interior complete with a bar and kitchen.

Grand Leguini’s House

Fachada-1, originally uploaded by valgarise.

The details on this are just fantastic! The dark red and dark blue clash with the white to form a really imposing structure and the ornate arches surrounding the windows give the sense of wealth and prominence attributed to a mysterious magician such Grand Leguini. We’ll have to keep a closer eye on this builder, nice work!

Shop in the Orient!

BrickFanTown is at it again! Built by a group of Japanese AFOLs, BrickFanTown is thriving and now supports an “exotic” district. It features all sorts of small shops and alleyways from noodle shops to small kiosks under the awnings. The variations in colors and architecture is what it is all about, and that’s what I like best about these. They’re fun to look at, but they still maintain a realistic aura about them.

Very well done!

New Ironsides

This mecha doesn’t have quite as many guns as the USS Constitution did, but I’m sure it would carry as fearsome of a reputation. This is a job well done by kidthor. There’s a lot of great surface texture on both the body and the legs. I also love how well it balances on its tiny feet.

Ironsides 021