All out action

Ryan H. (L.D.M.) shows us action in his latest and largest creation called Neotron Base. The black and white factions go all out in this battle with guns, sludge, and even an extending, grasping, hand, thingy.

SnowLion Keep

While it’s not quite “stopping by woods on a snowy evening,” it’s still poetic. Classic-Castle member LegoLord posted this lovely castle in the snow. It’s not particularly big, and that’s okay. The walls grab me and I like the tan/brown combo on the tower.

This creation bugs me

It’s a great space bug queen diorama, by Alex Fojtik (BrickFX). This is a truly immersive display, incorporating some great details. My favorite is the dripping slime, but I’ve also been known to love hexagons. The scattered space helmet eggs look great, and must have been quite a challenge to pose for different angled photos.

Hatchery: Overview

I wish my bored-inspired creations were this pretty.

Whenever I try and build when I’m bored, the results aren’t post-worthy. But this is clearly not the case for David Leest. His “bored” creations are clearly much better than mine.

That said, I really like this particular creation of his. I like the multi-level, bright colored goodness. It has enough implied movement to keep my eye wandering, and that works for me.


Collateral damage

Hans Dendauw (Tigmon74) has done a great job of capturing a moment with this diorama. The chunks flying look great, and I absolutely love the tumbling speeder bike and driver. He also seems to have used a blacklight to give the trans neon bits a bit of a glow.

Finding Fortune

There are many things that draw me to this lovely little creation. The waterfall just jumps out, and I love the not-square base. Posted by David Leest, recently out of his dark ages. I’d say he’s coming out of those dark ages quite strong!