New hardsuit frame design by Ironsniper

Even though I’m a sucker for adorably squat hardsuits, there are only so many gray, greebly little fellows I can take after a while. This new design by Chris (Ironsniper) made me sit up and take notice.


There’s some nice color blocking with the brown arm, along with one of the coolest details I’ve seen on any hardsuit, even though that knife may be quite useless to a mechanized warrior. But it’s the posability built into the shoulders, knees, and feet that sets this hardsuit apart.

CEC Gauss Aufseher

Dane Erland (Lord Dane) gives a very big gun to a tall mecha with tiny arms in a surprisingly effective combination that I wouldn’t want to face down on a dead-end street.

CEC Gauss Aufseher

Nice Legs

Théo (Titolian) has built a fantastic little robot. The fishing poles for legs add a great alien bug feel to this creation. He’s also named it in Morse code, which I’ve long forgotten.

... - .-. .. -.. . .-.


Sometimes a build doesn’t need to be complex to be awesome. It just has to be really well designed. Cade Roster (Apocalust) has achieved this state with his tributes to LEGO Exo-Force.

More Exo-Tributes

55cm LEGO Ironman

I know nought about Iron Man but Alex Schranz (“Orion Pax”) was obviously a fan of the comic and has dedicated 55cm worth of ABS to recreating this armoured superhero. His dedication to recreating the ‘muscles’ on the figure really lend it a drawn air. And as an added bonus the light in the chest actually works. Superb building.


The keen-eyed will notice a slight difference between the most recent four shots and the rest.

Metal Storm mecha by Cole Blaq

We’re used to small to mid-sized mecha from Cole Blaq, but his latest is a rather massive stomper inspired by the old NES game Metal Storm.

Metal Storm [blaq'd fix] - 重力装甲メタルストーム

The minifig in the cockpit gives some sense of the mecha’s scale:

Metal Storm [blaq'd fix] - 重力装甲メタルストーム